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Khmunity In Action: 2024 Workshop (Sunday Extended In-Person Only)

(In-person only)

Going into detail of the major, new development and advocacy opportunity regarding the issue of evictions, namely the Angkor Wat mass evictions. Amnesty International has informed us of a special World Heritage Committee meeting next month, from July 21-31 in New Delhi, India, addressing the Angkor Wat evictions. In response, the Khmer Community will issue two major complaints on behalf of the evictees, concurrently focusing on UNESCO’s failure to enforce the Agreement. One complaint will be hand-delivered to UNESCO's Paris headquarters, and the other will be submitted during the World Heritage Committee's July meeting.

Over the next several weeks, the Khmer Community will be working closely with Amnesty International, UNESCO, and the World Heritage Committee to end these evictions and highlight these violations to the international community. The evicted Angkor Wat community in particular will be at the forefront of the discussions, their voices and statements will receive priority. 

Limited space. Registration is required. Contact for inquiries.

Sponsored by:
Cambodian Association of Illinois (CAI)
Cambodian Heritage Museum and Killing Fields
Cambodian American for Human Rights and Democracy (CAHRAD)



Moderator: Norea Nuon and Kolvath Som
Program Coordinator: Montha Ok

8:00am - 9:00am

9:00am - 10:00am
Open discussions continued

10:00- 11:00am
Complaint submission to the World Heritage Committee on improper management of Angkor Wat heritage site by UNESCO on behalf of the Khmer Community, including representatives of more than 2,000 improperly evicted long-term residents of the 113 “traditional residential villages” that are part of the Angkor Wat World Heritage Site, with the residents of Khnat Commune, Puck District, Siem Reap Province taking the lead.

June 29

Post-UPR46 Khmer Advocacy Activities Session